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Integration of odoo with other 3rd party apps for Eg:if want to connect odoo for a payment gateway we can handle it effortlessly. because odoo is a open source system which can be integrated with any other app. so odoo is the right choise for any business firm who likes to implement ERP
Odoo, a fully open-source business management system that serves as a unified solution for all of your business needs, will improve all elements of the firm. Odoo assists in the whole transformation of business operations throughout all areas of your company, from hiring to payroll administration, manufacturing to repairs, inventory management to logistical operations, and invoicing to accounting management. Odoo presents itself as your company's all-inclusive solution.


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ODOO   Odoo is an open-source business app suite that covers all your company needs like CRM, e-commerce, accounting, inventory, pos, project management, etc…. Odoo unique value proportion is at the same time straightforward to use and fully integrated Main Accounting Concept Double Entry Bookkeeping  Odoo automatically creates all background activity or entries for each of your accounting transactions like customer invoices,pos, expenses, inventory moves, etc Odoo uses the rule double-entry booking system all entries are automatically balanced (sum of debit=sum of credit) Accrual   It means odoo allows user to report income/expenses at the time of transaction occur or when payment is made or received .


Odoo Cloud Platform In deployment  of the new platform is simple: Step 1:Connect the GitHub account.   Step 2:You can select your project. Step 3:Select the odoo ver that you are using. Step 4:you can select your server. Done will be successfully connected to your Git hub account in real time.  It also features options like clone the project to work locally Fork the project to develop new feature Merge a feature  And you can also add community features for your project module.  And all the developement of the project will be shown in the left side bar.and so you can run or check your program.                     You can also filter your codes from the app itself. so once a server is ready. deploy it to the staging server.


  Compared to sap odoo has more features.odoo software allows automation for all co businesses and with odoo it is available in enterprise and community editions. Still, in sap there will be a limited option .in odoo we have dashboard implementation and customer to odoo. when you compare odoo vs sap, consider that they are,t equal from the start as they are designed for different targeted audiences.odoo is a perfect match for SMEs and enterprises with multiple offices but the same business processes. you can implement this ERP quickly. meanwhile, the sap is oriented toward substantial multinational corporations, whose business processes. indifferent offices may vary significantly.SAP can handle the most complicated requirement of large enterprises and in this sense, Apart from this, there’s the issue of portability. Because Odoo is basically a Python application, it can run on Linux, Windows, and possibly Android and can plausibly be deployed on some embedded systems such as a Rasp...