Implementatio Of Odoo
Implementation of software like odoo is not that too easy. hence it requires expert opinion and consultation. so if a firm need to implement odoo . odoo has lots of partners and they also rank them based on the services they do for them. so if a firm requires service they can easily find their servicer from Odoo partners. So while hiring a servicer they will customize the odoo app according to firm requirements. and also they will help to sort any kind of issue even if an error occurs after implementation until their plan validity implementing odoo can boost your sale as the user has lots of feature inbuild with odoo. like with odoo you can create web page without any assistance. they customized the app so it is easy for their customer to make it as they like. the features they included for e-commerce customers are mind blowing such as (Crm, Pos, sales).
Q) why implementing odoo?
Implementing a app like odoo can make a big difference to your firm. Odoo will be a good companion to the employees as well as all co-ordinates.
The first step allows the project manager to compile all the relevant business needs of the company. This comes in the form of a series of interviews with department managers to analyze their work flows. The final deliverable is a prototype specification and a GAP Analysis.
The next step is to fully configure and customize Odoo to cover all business flows. The scope is defined as “the maximum you can get from a standard solution, with customization but no development”. Although no data is imported and no third-party software is integrated, the software should be fully functional and the company should theoretically be able to start using it as is (even if some steps are still manual). At the end of this phase, key users should have a full demonstration as well as access to test the software against all the necessary business flows the company will need.
Your customer probably chose Odoo because no other software allows for such a high level of automation, feature coverage, and integration. But don’t allow the customer to journey in this direction. Customizations cost time and money, are more complex to maintain, add risks to the implementation, and can cause issues with upgrades. Be flexible; use Odoo the way it was designed to achieve optimal results fast. Learning
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